A Vision for Solving 21st Century Problems: Highlights from TENWEST 2018

TENWEST 2018 was such a blast, and we saw more innovation than ever before! This year, we operated on a Collective Impact Model, centering around bringing organizations and thought leaders together to solve big problems that are locally relevant and globally applicable. We united over 25 partner organizations and non-profits to lay a foundation for TENWEST to be an economic driver and a critical feature of Tucson solving 21st-century problems through innovation and collective action. This year we hosted:
2100 Conference Attendees
5000+ Partner Event Attendees
10 days of programming, 80 unique offerings, TWO new featured partner events
Agave Tasting, Bear Down Town: A Downtown Scavenger Hunt, Social Impact Summit, Women's Hackathon
First Filmfest Tucson
As TENWEST continues to grow and develop, we’re excited to see the new inspiration, talent, and innovation build Tucson into a city of the future. We’re excited to see everyone at TENWEST this year :) it’s going to be epic!